Little Hummingbirds Foundation

Little Hummingbirds Foundation

The Little Hummingbirds Foundation is a not-for-profit organization with a mandate to support disadvantaged children in music and dance instruction and costs thereto associated.

All members that offer their time and expertise to facilitate the funding work on a volunteer basis, albeit they are professionals in their field of expertise. A committee is chosen to fulfill the mandate.

Proudly presenting the premier performance of

The Symphony of Seasons


Orchestral ensemble: Canto Sentimento

Composed by Justin Saulnier

To order full length video please e-mail your request to

Also appearing

Greta Lemming Studio of Dance

Carl De La Barre

Jasmyn Gulyas

When and where

Saturday, October 19th, 2024
Dominion Chalmers Centre
355 Cooper Street, Ottawa
7:00 - 10:30PM *

* Includes wine & cheese reception following performance


Donations will be greatly appreciated via e-transfer to or cheque to PO Box 65013, RPO Merivale, Ottawa K2G 5Y3

Suggested donations

$7/weekly ($312/annum) Bronze patron
$9/weekly ($468/annum) Silver patron
$12/weekly ($624.00/annum) Gold patron
$25/weekly ($1,300/annum) Platinum patron